I would like to convey my deepest appreciation to all of you, our shareholders, for your ongoing support for GSI Creos. We have completed our business operations for Fiscal 2022, and would like to take this opportunity to provide you with a report on our business conditions.


Due to worldwide price increases, sharp exchange rate fluctuations, and other factors, the business environment has been unpredictable. In this situation, based on the Purpose that we have set forth of “As a ‘Business Producer’ seeking quality of life for the next generation, we realize the happiness of all the people,” we have been focusing on developing high value-added businesses centering on sustainable business fields, and working hard to ensure and boost our revenues, while working closely together as the GSI Creos group.


As a result of this, our sales increased from the previous fiscal year. Although operating profit declined from the previous fiscal year for reasons such as the recording of bad-debt expenses due to temporary factors, net profit rose from the previous fiscal year due to the recording of extraordinary gains from the selling of investment securities and so on.


In Fiscal 2023, we shall steadily continue to implement measures for the achievement of the targets of our mid-term management plan “GSI CONNECT 2024”, and we shall further strengthen our initiatives aimed at ESG management, and seek to further boost our corporate value.


We sincerely hope to receive unwavering support and encouragement from all of you, our shareholders, in the future.

President and CEO

Tadaaki  Yoshinaga